Pieter W. Claeys



Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

18 March 2019

Excellent news and something I'm already looking forward to: I have been selected to participate in the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting! From 31 June to 5 July I will be joining almost 600 other young scientists in Lindau, Germany, to discuss physics and attend lectures, discussion sessions and masterclasses with over 40 Nobel Laureates in Physics and related fields. This selection followed an initial selection and nomination by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO Vlaanderen), whose funding is gratefully acknowledged.

Once every year, more than 30 Nobel Laureates convene in Lindau to meet the next generation of leading scientists: 500-600 undergraduates, PhD students, and post-doc researchers from all over the world. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings foster the exchange among scientists of different generations, cultures, and disciplines.

APS March Meeting

04 March 2019

Tomorrow I will be presenting our work on Floquet resonances in the central spin model in the APS March Meeting currently taking place in Boston, during the session Non-Equilibrium Physics in AMO Systems II. According to the abstract:

Adiabatically varying the driving frequency of a periodically driven many-body quantum system can induce controlled transitions between resonant eigenstates of the time-averaged Hamiltonian, corresponding to adiabatic transitions in the Floquet spectrum and presenting a general tool in quantum many-body control. Using the central spin model as an application, we show how such controlled driving processes can lead to a polarization-based decoupling of the central spin from its decoherence-inducing environment at resonance. While it is generally impossible to obtain the exact Floquet Hamiltonian in driven interacting systems, we exploit the integrability of the central spin model to show how techniques from quantum quenches can be used to explicitly construct the Floquet Hamiltonian in a restricted many-body basis and model Floquet resonances..

Editors' Suggestion in Physical Review B

06 February 2019

More good news: our paper on integrability and duality in spin chains has also been published in Physical Review B. It has been chosen as an Editors' Suggestion, leading to a nice figure and teaser on the Physical Review B homepage.

Joint work with Eyzo Stouten, Jean-Sébastien Caux and Vladimir Gritsev.