Pieter W. Claeys
Absence of superdiffusion in certain random spin models, Pieter W. Claeys, Austen Lamacraft, Jonah Herzog-Arbeitman, arXiv:2110.06951 (2021)
Dissipative dynamics in open XXZ Richardson-Gaudin models, Pieter W. Claeys, Austen Lamacraft, arXiv:2108.01677 (2021)
Correlations and commuting transfer matrices in integrable unitary circuits, Pieter W. Claeys, Jonah Herzog-Arbeitman, Austen Lamacraft, arXiv:2106.00640 (2021)
Ergodic and nonergodic dual-unitary quantum circuits with arbitrary local Hilbert space dimension
, Pieter W. Claeys, Austen Lamacraft, Physical Review Letters 126, 100603 (2021)
Selected as Editor’s Suggestion, Featured in Physics (Viewpoint) and for the cover of Physical Review Letters.
Shortcuts to Dynamic Polarization, Tamiro Villazon, Pieter W. Claeys, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Anushya Chandran, Physical Review B 103, 075118 (2021)
Selected as Editor’s Suggestion.
Quantum eigenstates from classical Gibbs distributions, Pieter W. Claeys, Anatoli Polkovnikov, SciPost Physics 10, 014 (2021)
Selected as SciPost Select.
Adiabatic landscape and optimal paths in ergodic systems, Sho Sugiura, Pieter W. Claeys, Anatoly Dymarsky, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Physical Review Research 3, 013102 (2021)
Adiabatic eigenstate deformations as a sensitive probe for quantum chaos, Mohit Pandey, Pieter W. Claeys, David K. Campbell, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Dries Sels, Physical Review X 10 041017 (2020)
Persistent dark states in anisotropic central spin models, Tamiro Villazon, Pieter W. Claeys, Mohit Pandey, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Anushya Chandran, Scientific Reports 10, 16080 (2020)
Maximum velocity quantum circuits, Pieter W. Claeys, Austen Lamacraft, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033032 (2020)
Integrability and dark states in an anisotropic central spin model, Tamiro Villazon, Anushya Chandran, Pieter W. Claeys, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032052(R)
Variational Schrieffer-Wolff transformations for quantum many-body dynamics, Jonathan Wurtz, Pieter W. Claeys, and Anatoli Polkovnikov
, Physical Review B 101, 014302 (2020)
Selected as Editors' Suggestion.
Floquet-Engineering Counterdiabatic Protocols in Quantum Many-Body Systems, Pieter W. Claeys, Mohit Pandey, Dries Sels, and Anatoli Polkovnikov
, Physical Review Letters 123, 090602 (2019)
Selected as Editors' Suggestion.
Integrability and duality in spin chains, Eyzo Stouten, Pieter W. Claeys, Jean-Sébastien Caux, and Vladimir Gritsev, Physical Review B 99, 075111 (2019)
Selected as Editor’s Suggestion.
Integrable spin-1/2 Richardson-Gaudin XYZ models in an arbitrary magnetic field, Pieter W. Claeys, Claude Dimo, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Alexandre Faribault, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 08LT01 (2019)
Published as IOPSelect/Letter.
Something interacting and solvable in 1D, Eyzo Stouten, Pieter W. Claeys, Mikhail Zvonarev, Jean-Sébastien Caux, and Vladimir Gritsev,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 485204 (2018)
Spin polarization through Floquet resonances in a driven central spin model, Pieter W. Claeys, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Omar El Araby, and Jean-Sébastien Caux, Physical Review Letters 121, 080401 (2018)
Out-of-equilibrium phase transitions induced by Floquet resonances in a periodically quench-driven XY spin chain, Sergio Enrique Tapias Arze, Pieter W. Claeys, Isaac Pérez Castillo, and Jean-Sébastien Caux, Scipost Physics Core 3, 001 (2020)
Richardson-Gaudin Configuration-Interaction for nuclear pairing correlations, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Pieter W. Claeys, Jean-Sébastien Caux, Dimitri Van Neck, and Paul W. Ayers, arXiv:1712.01673 (2017)
Breaking the integrability of the Heisenberg model through periodic driving, Pieter W. Claeys and Jean-Sébastien Caux, arXiv:1709.07324 (2017)
Variational method for integrability-breaking Richardson-Gaudin models, Pieter W. Claeys, Jean-Sébastien Caux, Dimitri Van Neck, and Stijn De Baerdemacker, Physical Review B 96, 155149 (2017)
Inner products in integrable Richardson-Gaudin models, Pieter W. Claeys, Dimitri Van Neck, and Stijn De Baerdemacker, SciPost Physics 3, 28 (2017)
Read-Green resonances in a topological superconductor coupled to a bath, Pieter W. Claeys, Stijn De Baerdemacker, and Dimitri Van Neck, Physical Review B 93, 220503(R) (2016)
Maximum probability domains for Hubbard model, Guillaume Acke, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Pieter W. Claeys, Mario Van Raemdonck, Ward Poelmans, Dimitri Van Neck, and Patrick Bultinck, Molecular Physics 114, 1392-1405 (2016)
Eigenvalue-based determinants for scalar products and form factors in Richardson-Gaudin integrable models coupled to a bosonic mode, Pieter W. Claeys, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Mario Van Raemdonck, and Dimitri Van Neck, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48, 425201 (2015)
Selected as Publisher’s pick, including interview with Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.
Eigenvalue-based method and formfactor determinant representations for integrable XXZ Richardson-Gaudin models, Pieter W. Claeys, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Mario Van Raemdonck, and Dimitri Van Neck, Physical Review B 91, 155102 (2015)
The Dicke model as the contraction limit of a pseudo-deformed Richardson-Gaudin model, Pieter W. Claeys, Stijn De Baerdemacker, Mario Van Raemdonck, and Dimitri Van Neck, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 597, 012025 (2015)